Missouri & Kansas Updated Medicaid Figures
Below are the 2017 Medicaid figures for Missouri and the anticipated figures for Kansas. Keep this guide handy to refer to as necessary. Please email us if you have any questions.
Missouri Figures Kansas Figures
Penalty Divisor $4,889 = 1 month Penalty Divisor $183.15 = 1 day
MMNA (min) $2,003 MMNA (min) $1,992
MMNA (max) $3,023 MMNA (max) $2,981
CSRA (min) $24,180 CSRA (min) $23,844
CSRA (max) $120,900 CSRA (max) $119,220
Telephone Standard $29 Telephone Standard $37
Shelter Standard $601 Shelter Standard $598
Utility Standard $318 Utility Standard $369
HCBS Income Limit $1,285 HCBS Income Limit $727
Personal Needs Allowance $50 Personal Needs Allowance $62